Manage Price Conditions for Purchase and Sales Prices – pCon.basket PRO Tutorial

Flexible pricing strategies are crucial in the world of sales, especially in a CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) application such as pCon.basket. Managing price conditions for purchase and sales prices allows companies to implement dynamic pricing that can respond to customer needs, competitive factors and internal cost structures.

Why are price conditions important?

By flexibly adjusting and negotiating price conditions, companies can not only increase their profitability, but also strengthen customer loyalty. This dynamic pricing makes it possible to adapt agilely to changing market conditions and thus remain competitive in the long term. Thanks to the intuitive organization management in combination with pCon.basket PRO, users can easily access different price profiles, while companies have the ability to quickly and efficiently adjust price conditions for their entire organization.

Watch and learn: How to use price conditions in pCon.basket PRO

Our tutorial video guides you through how to manage price conditions in pCon.basket.

Whether you are an administrator or a member of an organization, we will show you how to create and manage profiles for price conditions. We explain in detail which price conditions you can add, both for internal and external purchase and sales prices.

We also give you useful tips and advice on how to use price conditions effectively in your projects. Find out what happens if a profile is no longer available and how you can deal with this. Simply click on the image to go directly to the tutorial on YouTube:

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