What’s New in pCon.planner 8.9

The annual pCon.planner fall release is now available! In addition to numerous small improvements to increase efficiency and clarity when planning, there is also a new service that simplifies the sharing of media content via QR code. Users of the PRO version benefit from a high-quality material preview during the configuration of articles. In the layout area, there is now an option to rotate texts and other elements to make the best use of the available space on the page.

Sharing: No Login required for QR Codes

It has always been very popular to share media content via QR code. Until now, this always required logging into a cloud service. With pCon.planner 8.9, this process is now as easy as an autumn walk in the park. The new option ” Standard” makes it possible to share 3D models and AR content directly without having to log in to a cloud service first. Keep in mind, that individual uploads are limited to a file size of 1 GB and are only available until the specified expiration date.

Configuration: High-quality Material Preview (PRO)

High resolution property images on products make it easier to select materials in pCon.planner PRO and allow a detailed view of the material structure. Clicking on the preview image will open a larger view of the selected material, helping you to identify and compare suitable materials.

Although only a few manufacturers are providing high-resolution material previews in their OFML data so far, we are pleased to see a steady increase. This contributes significantly to the continuous improvement of product data and increases the quality of the planning and consulting experience for both users and customers.

Layout: Rotate Views (PRO)

There is a small yet useful new feature in the layout area of pCon.planner PRO: All elements on the layout page (including dimensions) can now be rotated in 90° steps. This means that the entire project no longer has to be rotated in the planning area, and the available space on the layout page can be used optimally. Texts can also be rotated in any number of steps using the rotation angle input.

Further Improvements at a Glance:

  • Image Calculation: Reset certain types of faulty geometries
  • Profile Manager: Reworked Edit tab (PRO)
  • Impress: Better lighting and Ambient Occlusion in Browser
  • Property Editor: Smoother Property Assignment and Improved Usability
  • Export: RECADZ Export for Relux (PRO)

Discover the New Features in Action

Would you like to see the new features of pCon.planner 8.9 in action? We have created a short video that will demonstrate all the improvements and new options in the application. We invite you to watch the video on our YouTube channel and share the latest changes with your colleagues.

Learn more about the new features in the Help Center. Also visit our YouTube channel, where more new tutorials will be published soon. Subscribe to the pCon blog (footer) to stay up to date.

*The download button is for the free standard version of pCon.planner. If you are a pCon.planner PRO or ME user, we ask that you wait to download the newest version until you receive the dialog prompt from pCon.planner informing you of an auto update.

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4 replies on “What’s New in pCon.planner 8.9

  • nadia

    why are the materials no longer correct in scale? i have to edit each material/texture and re-set the mapping this is a huge waste of time

    • Timmy

      Hello Nadia, if you are experiencing any problems after the Update of pCon.planner, please contact our colleagues via E-Mail to “support@easterngraphics.com”. Thanks in Advance!

  • Tana Kubatova

    Hallo, in version 8.9 does not work ctrl + j. The same function has ctrl + k. Why? And how function has ctrl + j now?
    Thank you

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