Watch & Learn: 3 Hidden Features in pCon.planner

pCon.planner offers many useful features that can support you in your daily planning tasks. From viewing your plans, to precisely tracing floor plans, to efficiently changing attributes – we show you three expert tips to make your work even more efficient. 

Keep an Overview with Synchronized Views 

For precise detailed planning, it is important to maintain an overview. Our video explains how to synchronize the center points and view areas in orthographic views. With the “Synchronize centers” feature, the central point in all views is synchronized, so you always have the same reference point. The “Synchronize fields of view” feature adjusts the zoom factor in all views, giving you a better overview of your planning. 

Enhanced Element Placement for Faster Floor Plan Capture 

Learn how Enhanced Element Placement allows you to set important parameters of elements directly when inserting them. This feature lets you insert room elements interactively and determine their position, width, and opening behavior directly. Especially when tracing floor plans, you can achieve higher precision and efficiency. 

Show All Attributes for Consistent Planning 

In the Properties Editor, you can adjust multiple objects simultaneously with the “Show All Properties” option. This is particularly useful if you want to change the height of all the windows in a wall, for example. This way, you save time and prevent errors by ensuring that all elements are adjusted consistently. 

Curious? Click on the image to jump directly to the tutorial video on YouTube: 

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