New to the pCon.catalog portal: Design House Stockholm

A wide selection of Scandinavian Furniture from Design House Stockholm is available for download in pCon.catalog. Read below to see how the Swedish manufacturer presents itself.

See the products from Design House Stockholm in pCon.catalog

Learn more about Design House Stockholm

Image: Design House Stockholm

Image: Design House Stockholm

Distinguished as a publishing house rather than a conventional producer, Design House Stockholm has been at the forefront of Scandinavian design since its establishment in 1992. The company has consistently embraced collaborations with both emerging and established designers, as well as knowledgeable manufacturers.

Image: Design House Stockholm

Image: Design House Stockholm

Their approach revolves around curiosity and attentive listening, allowing them to curate the most innovative Scandinavian designs. Functionality and meticulous attention to detail are fundamental aspects of their products, with sustainability principles integrated throughout their business operations. From ensuring longevity in products and materials to fostering enduring relationships with clients and suppliers, Design House Stockholm embodies a commitment to sustainability at every level.

Image: Design House Stockholm

Image: Design House Stockholm

Collaborating with skilled producers and designers, the company continually pushes the boundaries of design concepts, harnessing the collective knowledge of the team to create moments of creative magnetism.

Image: Design House Stockholm

Image: Design House Stockholm

The integration of Design House Stockholm in pCon.catalog provides users with a seamless avenue to explore and integrate these forward-thinking designs into their projects, seamlessly blending functionality, sustainability, and groundbreaking aesthetics. Step into the future of design with Design House Stockholm on pCon.catalog.

Image: Design House Stockholm

Image: Design House Stockholm

Download the products from Design House Stockholm in pCon.catalog

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