Available for the pCon community: Feltouch

Configurable data from Feltouch are available to the pCon community. Log in to pCon.login to request the OFML data of the company.

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More about Feltouch

Image: Feltouch

Image: Feltouch

Feltouch is an innovative manufacturing firm specializing in advanced PET felt products through state-of-the-art fiber and non-woven textile technology. Our global mission encompasses supplying diverse consumer, commercial, and industrial felt solutions across markets worldwide.

Image: Feltouch

Image: Feltouch

We specialize in creating intelligent acoustic absorbers that enhance speech clarity, well-being, and performance in indoor spaces. Our range includes customizable and standard products, tailored for different projects. This dedication also fuels our collaborations with architects, interior designers, and facility managers, aiming for unrivaled acoustic and decorative excellence in various settings.

Image: Feltouch

Image: Feltouch

Central to our product ethos is sustainability and well-being. Crafted from Recycled PET and Polyester Fibers, our offerings remain devoid of chemical binders and carry low VOC certification, ensuring eco-friendliness and health consciousness. Our emphasis on environmental awareness prompts us to prioritize suitable materials throughout our production process. Anchored by innovation and exceptional customer service, our operations embody accredited environmental practices.

Image: Feltouch

Image: Feltouch

By prioritizing recycled or recyclable eco-friendly materials in our manufacturing, we underscore our commitment to responsible production. Our core focus involves discerning customer needs and exceeding them. Through complimentary services providing insights into our acoustic and interior design products, we empower informed choices. Collaboration remains pivotal, as we ardently work with architects, interior designers, and facility planners to ensure optimal acoustic and aesthetic outcomes in interior spaces.

Image: Feltouch

Image: Feltouch

Feltouch’s Circular Economy project, Zero Burn, launched in 2020, focuses on reusing waste from recycled PET felt as acoustic material, collaborating globally to reduce carbon footprint and sharing updates through a dedicated blog and Instagram account.

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